Financial support extended

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR), Bureau for Family Assistance today announced additional funding to continue reimbursing child care providers on the basis of enrollment in their programs, rather than for specific days attended by each child, for services provided through August 2024.

The pay-by-enrollment methodology was instituted during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency using federally allocated funds to provide financial stability and continued assurance of available child care, and was projected to be exhausted by September 2023.

“By reprioritizing use of available funds, DHHR can help child care providers continue to keep their doors open and help working families get the care they need as the child care operational budgets continue to stabilize post-pandemic,” said Janie Cole, Commissioner of DHHR’s Bureau for Family Assistance. “High quality child care supports both parents and children and is a critical investment in our state’s future.”

The additional funding will come from the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Prior to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, DHHR offered an attendance-based child care subsidy.

Click here for more information on DHHR’s child care program.

Deidre W. Craythorne
Child Care Program Manager
Division of Early Care and Education
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources
350 Capitol Street, Room B-18
Charleston, WV 25301

Dollar sign

“High quality child care supports both parents and children and is a critical investment in our state’s future.”

