Common Provider Forms

Attendance Sheet

Form ECE-CC-10G


Payment Request

Form ECE-CC-10A


Provider Information

Form ECE-CC-7


Emergency Information

Form ECE-CC-10E


Child Health Assessment

Form ECE-CC-3


Parent Fee notice

Form ECE-CC-10D


Provider Notice to Agency

Form ECE-CC-10F


Medication Permission Slips

Form ECE-CC-25


Sliding Fee Scale

Form ECE-CC-10D


Click the Link Below For A Complete List of Forms

View All Forms




What Can We Do For Child Care Providers?

MountainHeart Community Services, Inc. provides a variety of free services to Child Care Providers through our Child Care Resource & Referral program.

Services for Child Care Providers include:

  • Family and child referral lists to families.
  • Assistance with WV state licensing, certification or registration.
  • Provide information, technical assistance, and linkages on opening a child care center, family child care facility, or family child care home via a toll-free number.
  • Provide workshops on child care as a business.
  • Recruit and train new child care providers.
  • Process payment forms for child care reimbursement to child care providers.
  • Child care training specialists provide mandatory basic and advanced training on health, safety, and child development topics. Included is certificate documentation of successful completion of trainings.
  • Provide information on GED, Child Development Associate (CDA), USDL Apprenticeship Child Development Specialist Certificate (ACDS), or college level classes.
  • Provide access to child care resource library materials such as child care videos, books, manuals, and magazines.
  • Provide loans and grants to eligible applicants to assist child care providers in meeting WV state licensing requirements or to meet ADA improvements to child care home, facility, or center. Also, provide information on other sources for child care grant and loan programs, as available.
  • Provide current information, training opportunities, conferences info, state child care information, and resources.
Remember, as a child care provider, you are self-employed. You may be receiving more income per month than you ever have. Be prepared to pay the taxes on your additional income come April.

A Rewarding career

Becoming a Child Care Provider can be an extremely satisfying career. Not only is it the chance to own and run your own business, but it is also the opportunity to make a difference in a child’s life.

By providing a stable and nurturing environment, where a child can learn and grow, you can help them reach their highest potential. Children who have positive early childhood experiences are better prepared for school, college and work.

Many Family Child Care Providers start their business so they can stay home with their own young children and often continue providing services long after their children are grown.

Getting Started in Family Child Care

Some things to think about before starting a Family Child Care Home:

  • Would you enjoy spending a lot of time caring for young children
  • Would you enjoy communicating with parents about their children’s growth and development?
  • Is your home suitable (e.g., absence of lead paint) for a family child care home?
  • Does your home have sufficient space to allow you to care for young children? (Space is needed for projects and activities, indoor and outdoor active play, meals, naptime, and a sanitary diapering area.)
  • Do you have outdoor play space (enclosed yard or fenced public park within easy walking distance)?
  • Will your family be supportive of you running a family child care program in your home?
  • If you have children of your own, will they adapt well to sharing their home with other children for a significant amount of time during the week?
  • Can you keep track of the business details of running a family child care home?

Determining Need

We can help you determine the level of need in your community. You can estimate community need on your own by checking your local papers for the number of advertised openings from other child care providers. Conversely, if many parents are looking for child care, there may be a shortage of care in your area.

Community demographics, available from the town or city government, can help you estimate the need for child care. If there are many families with young children, and/or a high birth rate, you can expect that many parents may be seeking child care in the near future.

Business Issues

You will need to set up an efficient system to manage the many aspects of running a small business. Keep organized records of all your expenses and income. Maintain a separate checking account for business expenses. Save receipts, and spend time each day or week to record information. A good record-keeping system will provide the information you need for tax purposes, and will allow you to gauge your income and expenses on a regular basis. Here are some tips for the major business items that should be set up before you open your doors for business:

Tracking Income and Expenses

Develop a bookkeeping system to track each family’s fees due, payments made, balance outstanding, and other payments (e.g., state vouchers). Parents appreciate a receipt for payments, particularly if payment is made in cash. Keep your financial records in a secure place. You can request help with developing a system from us or the Small Business Administration in your area.

Expected expenses:

  • Your own salary and benefits
  • Educational supplies and equipment
  • Food and kitchen supplies
  • Cleaning and diapering supplies
  • Your own professional training and development
  • Advertising costs
  • Insurance
  • Repairs and maintenance for the space you use for children
  • Other: legal fees, transportation, office supplies, etc.


Like any small business, you will have tax responsibilities. Keep good records to use at tax time. Be sure to keep all receipts, and to track all income and expenses. When in doubt, check with your tax consultant or the Internal Revenue Service for current tax regulations.

Deductions include food served to children in your program; diapers; toys and equipment for children; liability and accident insurance; supplies (art, cleaning, office, etc.); field trip expenses; memberships and subscriptions to child care organizations; and professional development and training.

Partial deductions include use of your home for business, and depreciation of equipment used in the child care business (cribs, swing sets, high chairs, etc.)

Your child care income (less allowable expenses) will give you your net profit or loss. You must report all income, whether paid in cash, check, or other means; whether it comes from an individual or the state (if you accept vouchers, for example); and whether or not you make a profit in any given year (within certain IRS guidelines). Contact the IRS or a tax accountant to find the proper forms for filing federal, state, and social security taxes, and for the types of exemptions for which you may be eligible.

As a self-employed small business owner, you will be responsible for filing quarterly federal self-employment taxes. These are usually filed as estimated tax. Failure to file and make payments on time can subject you to interest and penalties. For more information, contact us, and you may want to contact the IRS, your state’s Revenue Department, or a tax consultant.


Check with your state’s licensing unit and us concerning insurance requirements — and for suggestions on a group policy or an insurance agent with experience in childcare insurance.

Liability Insurance: Most homeowners have insurance, but there are special issues related to operating a child care business in the home. Talk to an agent with child care experience. Your liability insurance should include coverage for accidents, property damage, and legal fees related to any claims. You will need liability insurance if you rent your child care space, and the policy may need to indemnify the landlord as well as yourself.

Automobile Insurance: If you use your car to transport children, you will need to obtain additional insurance.

Contracts and Agreements

Set clear expectations about payments in the parent-provider agreement, which will make it easier to talk about fee issues later. Once the interviews and visits are completed, formally enroll the child into your program, and discuss any topics you may not have covered in earlier conversations. Give parents a copy of a signed contract. Some providers print a brief handbook with information about policies and program philosophy.

Prior to enrollment, parents should complete and sign release forms for situations requiring emergency medical treatment or dispensing medication, and for authorization of individuals to pick up the child from your program. Many states require annual health checkups for children in child care, with up-to-date immunization records. Health forms should be signed by the child’s pediatrician. Keep all forms on file.


Good news travels fast, but as you start up you may find that you have vacancies. Think about different methods for advertising. First, be sure you keep your provider profile up-to-date with us. When you have openings in your program, let us know immediately. When parents are seeking care, we can refer them to your program. More and more CCR&Rs are using online marketing and child care referrals, and you should be ready for these types of referrals when the time comes.

Other marketing strategies:

  • Place an ad in local newspapers; make sure your ad stands out, and give concise, specific information about your program.
  • Print flyers or brochures to post on bulletin boards in places where parents are likely to go: grocery stores, children’s bookstores, laundromats, libraries, workplaces, hospitals, and colleges.
  • Word-of-mouth referrals — Encourage parents to spread the word. Stay in touch with families that have used you as a provider in the past, as they may have friends or family in need of care.
  • Online marketing — Spread the word about your family child care home to the wider community in your area with a website and by joining child care LISTSERVs.

The appearance of your home is a very important part of marketing your services. The inside of your home should feel inviting and comfortable. Is the area you use for child care well-organized? Does it welcome children? Bulletin boards and displays of children’s artwork can give a good impression.

Licensing and Accreditation

Many family childcare providers are interested in becoming accredited providers with the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC). The accreditation process helps providers meet a higher standard than the minimum required for state licensing. For more information on the accreditation process, contact NAFCC:

National Association for Family Child Care
206 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900
Des Moines, IA 50309-4018
Telephone: 819-282-8192 / Fax: 515-282-9117

Facilities and Equipment

The amount of space in your home that you can devote to your childcare program will determine the amount and size of the furnishings and equipment that you’ll need to purchase. Most providers use one or two rooms in their home as program space, and the yard outside as a play area. The main idea is to make the most of the space you have!

  • Store most of your supplies on shelves — up high, to allow for more space on the floor for both children and activities.
  • Break your main room up into activity areas — dramatic play, book corner, sand table area, etc.
  • Set aside a storage space where you can store large equipment, to allow for rotation of equipment.
  • Have an area that you can use for indoor, loud, active play. Many providers use their porch, den, or living room.
  • Have a designated area for nap time. It’s best to have children sleep in the same place each day.


Furnishings that you’ll want to purchase include:

  • A table that seats four to six children
  • Chairs, at least one per child
  • Storage shelving units
  • An easel
  • Mats for nap time
  • A book display stand
  • Sand/water table
  • Potty chairs
  • A diaper changing table

Activity areas

Activity areas in your main room allow the children to focus on various developmental skills. You may choose to design your room around a particular learning activity for a few days at a time. Here are the main activity areas you’ll need, with some examples of materials and equipment for each:

  • Large Motor: indoor climbing structures, play tunnels, large wooden blocks, pillows
  • Art: paints, markers, stamps and ink pads, scissors, assorted papers
  • Manipulatives: connecting blocks, lacing cards, peg boards, shape boxes, beads
  • Sensory play: play dough, shaving cream, bubbles, sand and water toys
  • Blocks: wooden blocks in various unit sizes, animal and people blocks, cardboard blocks
  • Dramatic play: dress-up clothes, housekeeping/kitchen units, puppets, dolls, play foods
  • Reading: books, audiotapes, felt boards, puzzles, alphabet blocks
  • Science: magnifying lenses, magnets, binoculars, nature objects, charts
  • Outdoor play: wagons, balls, sandbox, sand toys, tricycles, climbing structure, swing set

Definitions For Family Child Care:

Family childcare is home-based care provided for a portion of the day in a private family home for compensation. The home must be inhabited by the family/individual who is providing care, and the provider’s hours of operation may not exceed eighteen (18) hours in a 24-hour period. Under state law, only family childcare provided for 4-6 children must be regulated. Under WV Code, Chapter 49-2B-9 family childcare providers caring for fewer than four children (informal family childcare) or only for related children (relative family childcare) are exempt from state regulatory requirements. These informal and relative providers may, however, be approved in order to receive subsidy payments through the childcare certificate system. The following terms apply to these three types of family childcare providers.

Informal Family Child Care:

An informal family childcare home provides care for three (3) or fewer children. At least one (1) child is not related to the caregiver and the provider must be requesting reimbursement for at least one (1) child through the childcare certificate system. Informal childcare providers must receive approval in order to accept childcare certificate funds.

Registered Family Child Care Home:

A facility used to provide nonresidential childcare for compensation in the provider’s home. A registered provider may care for four (4) to six (6) children, including children who are living in the household, who are under six (5) years of age. No more than two (2) of the total number of children may be under twenty-four (24) months of age.

Relative Family Child Care:

A relative family childcare home provides care only to children related to the caregiver. The caregiver must be a grandparent, great grandparent, aunt, uncle, great-aunt, great-uncle or adult sibling and must be seeking reimbursement through the childcare certificate system. This type of care must receive approval in order to accept childcare funding.

Definition of Family Child Care Facility:

A family childcare facility serves groups of seven (7) to twelve (12) children for four (4) or more hours per day. The provider may care for no more than four (4) children under the age of 24 months nor more than twelve (12) children in total, including children residing in the home under the age of six (6) years. Care may be in the operator’s home or in a facility that is not inhabited by the provider.

Definition of Family Child Care Center:

A Child Care Center serves groups of thirteen (13) or more children for four (4) or more hours per day.

Additional Resources

Regulatory Requirements for Child Care Centers, Child Care Facilities, Family Child Care Homes and Informal/Relative Family Child Care Home:

Tiered Reimbursement Rates for Child Care Providers

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact us.


Contact Us


Informal Relative Family Child Care Provider Forms

Family Forms





We Offer Professional Development for Child Care Providers

The MountainHeart professional development Team provides professional development opportunities for the purpose of:
  • Offering additional accessibility and availability to providers
  • Offering additional professional development options from Introductory to Intermediate sessions
  • Increasing opportunities for all providers to strengthen and increase quality as a childcare provider

Anyone Wishing To Attend Professional Development Sessions Must Be Pre-Registered In Order To Attend.


If a session is canceled, registered participants will be notified.

Which Professional Development Session Is Right For Me?

Now it’s easier to choose a professional development session that meets your needs!

The description of each class will contain some additional information. Common identifiers will be classes focusing on different ages levels and managerial leadership classes.

Remember: The new regulations now say, if you work in a childcare center, you must have 6 hours of training in the age level of the children that you work with, and directors need 6 hours of management classes every year.

Important Notice

MountainHeart Professional Development Sessions are provided for the professional development of all childcare providers. To allow All Participants the opportunity to focus fully on the subject matter, we ask that you do not bring infants or children to the sessions.

We regret we are unable to provide childcare during training. Thank you for honoring our policy in this matter.

Child Care Region V Professional Development Calendar

Click the link below to view a copy of the Child Care Region V Professional Development Calendar.  This region serves Barbour, Berkeley, Grant, Hampton, Hardy, Jefferson, Lewis, Mineral, Morgan, Pendleton, Preston, Randolph, Taylor, Tucker & Upshur counties.


Region V Training Calendar

Child Care Region VI Professional Development Calendar

Click the link below to view a copy of the Child Care Region VI Professional Development Calendar.  This region serves Braxton, Fayette, Greenbrier, McDowell, Mercer, Monroe, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Raleigh, Summersville, Webster & Wyoming counties.


Region VI Training Calendar

WV STARS Course Catalog

Visit the link below for the WV STARS Training Calendar and Course Catalog.


WV STARS Training Calendar





TRAILS (Traveling Resource and Information Library System)

Who makes this program possible?

The TRAILS van is a service of MountainHeart Community Services, Inc., brought to you through MountainHeart Child Care Resource and Referral, and funded by the Department of Health and Human Resources.

What is it?

The TRAILS is a mobile resource outreach program which uses a medium sized van equipped with resources of interest to early childhood providers. The major purpose of this outreach program is to allow child care resource and referral agencies to utilize a system of mobile resources, to provide one to one assistance, and distribute resources that will improve the quality and availability of childcare services.

What resources are available?

Resources include educational and developmentally appropriate toys for children ranging in ages from birth to thirteen years, children\’s books, videos, computer software, music teaching curriculum and idea books, assistive technology, art supplies, and large equipment such as highchairs and cribs.

Where are the vans found?

A TRAILS van will come directly to your individual home or center and you will be allowed to check out materials.

When can I expect a van visit?

As soon as you are a WV licensed, registered, or certified provider within MountainHeart South’s twelve county area you can call for an appointment. After your initial visit you will be placed on the van’s schedule and can expect to see the van every four to six weeks.


How can I schedule an appointment?

If you are a registered, certified, or licensed daycare provider with the Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for Children and Families and would like more information about TRAILS, please call at the number listed below for your county.

Providers in Raleigh, Mercer, Wyoming, or McDowell counties, call 1-888-799-9217.

Providers in Braxton, Fayette, Greenbrier, Monroe, Nicholas,  Pocahontas, Summers or Webster counties, call 1-855-843-0720.

Providers in Berkeley, Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Mineral, Morgan and Pendleton counties, call 1-888-915-7653.

Providers in Barbour, Lewis, Preston, Randolph, Taylor, Tucker and Upshur counties, call 1-877-811-5437.







Professional Development


We Offer Professional Development for Child Care Providers

The MountainHeart professional development Team provides professional development opportunities for the purpose of:
  • Offering additional accessibility and availability to providers
  • Offering additional professional development options from Introductory to Intermediate sessions
  • Increasing opportunities for all providers to strengthen and increase quality as a childcare provider

Anyone Wishing To Attend Professional Development Sessions Must Be Pre-Registered In Order To Attend.


If a session is canceled, registered participants will be notified.

Which Professional Development Session Is Right For Me?

Now it’s easier to choose a professional development session that meets your needs!

The description of each class will contain some additional information. Common identifiers will be classes focusing on different ages levels and managerial leadership classes.

Remember: The new regulations now say, if you work in a childcare center, you must have 6 hours of training in the age level of the children that you work with, and directors need 6 hours of management classes every year.

Important Notice

MountainHeart Professional Development Sessions are provided for the professional development of all childcare providers. To allow All Participants the opportunity to focus fully on the subject matter, we ask that you do not bring infants or children to the sessions.

We regret we are unable to provide childcare during training. Thank you for honoring our policy in this matter.

Child Care Region V Professional Development Calendar

Click the link below to view a copy of the Child Care Region V Professional Development Calendar.  This region serves Barbour, Berkeley, Grant, Hampton, Hardy, Jefferson, Lewis, Mineral, Morgan, Pendleton, Preston, Randolph, Taylor, Tucker & Upshur counties.


Region V Training Calendar

Child Care Region VI Professional Development Calendar

Click the link below to view a copy of the Child Care Region VI Professional Development Calendar.  This region serves Braxton, Fayette, Greenbrier, McDowell, Mercer, Monroe, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Raleigh, Summersville, Webster & Wyoming counties.


Region VI Training Calendar

WV STARS Course Catalog

Visit the link below for the WV STARS Training Calendar and Course Catalog.


WV STARS Training Calendar



Direct Deposit Information

FACTS (Families and Children Tracking System)

  • FACTS (Families and Children Tracking System) is a large and comprehensive customized Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS) established by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (WVDHHR) for the administration of Title IV-E Child Welfare Programs. FACTS was designed and developed based on the requirements established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, to support the state’s federal reporting for Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) and National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS).

FACTS Plus Main Page Image Small

Direct Deposit Information for Child Care Providers

Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for ChildRen and Families

The Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for Children and Families offers providers the ability to deposit child care payments directly to a bank account. Information from the State Auditor’s Office about the new direct deposit process, which includes answers to a number of questions about how this process will work and how to submit an application is available at the link below.  


In order for your check to be deposited directly to your bank account, you must fill out a Direct Deposit Authorization application based on your ID number in our FACTS computer system. Your FACTS Provider ID (the 8-digit number beginning with 300….._) is located on the top of your address label. You will need to fill out an application for each of the ID numbers given to you by the FACTS system. If your business has more than one FACTS provider ID and you did not receive a letter for each ID number, you may either call the State Auditor’s Office at 1-800-500-4079 or 1-304-558-2251 and ask for additional applications or download the application on line at or In addition to filling out an application, you will need to attach a blank check from your bank and mark it “VOID”.

Please complete the application and return it in the postage-paid envelope to the WV State Auditors Office, Electronic Payments Division at Building 1, Room W-125, Charleston, WV 25305. It will take about seven (7) business days to process the application and your first direct deposit should be received within 60 days of that date, so the sooner you apply, the sooner your check will go directly to your bank. If you need to make changes to your direct deposit accounts, such as changing banks or accounts, please call the State Auditors Office.

Once your check is deposited to your account, you will no longer receive a pay stub with an itemized statement; but you can view your payment information online at the FACTS PLUS web site. FACTS PLUS (Provider Look-Up and Update System) is a secure internet site that allows providers to view details about payments and children served. This online information is available 24 hours a day. You can use any computer that has Internet Explorer Browser 6.0 or higher, and you do not have to own a computer. Public computer access is available in many local libraries, community centers, etc. You will need to have a FACTS Plus Account, which is free of charge. For more information about FACTS PLUS, please visit the FACTS PLUS web site at To open a new FACTS PLUS account, please click on “New Account.”

Individual Providers:

If you are an individual provider such as an Informal Family Child Care provider, foster/adoptive parent, etc., you will need to fill out the WV FACTS PLUS – Individual Provider Application Form and a Confidentiality Statement.

Agency/Facility Providers:

If you are staff person for an Agency/Facility provider such as Child Care Center, Family Child Care Facility, Group Residential Program, etc.., you will need to complete the WV FACTS PLUS Agency/Facility Application which must be signed by the Agency/Facility Director and a Confidentiality Statement. An additional authorization on agency letter head from the Agency Director must also be submitted authorizing FACTS to grant the staff person access to Agency/Facilities FACTS Provider record.




What is FACTS Plus

Provider Look Up System

FACTS PLUS allows registered Providers to view information about their services provided via Statewide FACTS system. If you are providing services to West Virginia clients through the FACTS System , you may request a FACTS PLUS account. You will be notified about your application once it has been evaluated by FACTS Staff.


To request access to the FACTS PLUS System, please fill in the following form. All mandatory fields (*) must be completed. Once the Application form is complete use your Internet Browser button to print (LM=0.5″, RM=0.25″) the form. The Application must be signed by the person for whom access to FACTS PLUS is being requested and by the Agency Director authorizing the request. Please fax the completed FACTS PLUS Application to the FACTS Help Desk at (304)558-5868 or mail it to the FACTS Project, WV -DHHR, 1 Davis Square Suite 200, Charleston, WV 25301. A Confidentiality Statement signed by the person for whom access to FACTS PLUS system is being requested should be submitted with the application. Application requests will not be processed until both the completed application and the signed Confidentiality Statement have been received. A Confidentiality Statement signed by the person for whom access to the FACTS PLUS System is being requested should be submitted with the application. For Agency/Facility requests, an additional authorization letter from the Agency Director on agency letterhead is also required.

Confidentiality Statement


