How Did It Begin

In the early 90’s, funding for child care began to increase, particularly with the implementation of the Child Care & Development Block Grant Act. For the first time, states were legally required to expend part of their federal dollars on initiatives designed to improve the supply and quality of its child care programs. Each state developed a long range plan with the assistance of planning groups that brought in state and local government as well as providers, parents, advocates and early childhood experts. One of the main components of West Virginia’s State plan was to establish child care resource and referral services across the state. A development of the 1970’s, child care resource and referral agencies (CCR&R) were beginning to appear across the country and were seen as a support for state child care efforts. As the title suggests, these CCR&R agencies were to locate resources for child care and refer parents to available child care options. However, as more states began to contract for child care resource and referral services, the array of services provided began to multiply and CCR&R agencies began to provide services above and beyond that simple definition.

A resource & referral agency is a local nonprofit organization involved in supporting child care services. In WV, at a minimum, the resource & referral agencies:

  • Manage the subsidy program
  • Link parents with child care options
  • Provide consumer information
  • Offer technical assistance and training to providers
  • Inform parents of other resources in their community

Little Girl Smiling

Child Care Resource & Referral Program Mission

The mission of MountainHeart Child Care Resource and Referral is to meet the diverse needs of parents, children, providers, and the community through comprehensive, family-friendly services. These services are designed to encourage providers, empower families, and ensure all community members that quality child care for all of our children is a continued priority.

Mom and Child Image

MountainHeart’s Child Care Resource & Referral Program History

MountainHeart Child Care Resource & Referral Services is a program of MountainHeart Community Services, Inc. and is funded through a grant from DHHR, Bureau for Children and Families, Division of Early Care and Education.  The Program was established in 1992.

Financial assistance (subsidies) for child care services are available through this program.

Loan and grant services for new and existing child care services are available through this program.

We hope that you will join us in our endeavor to make a difference in the lives of others within our communities.

Boys reading in field

Boys in class


Image of Family

WV Child Care Resource and Referral Agency Areas Map Image


Resource & Referral Area Map

Click on the map for a list of all Resource & Referral Agencies and the areas served by each.

Visit the link below for direct contact information to your local Child Care Resource & Referral Agency.

Info from DHHR


MountainHeart Child Care Resource & Referral has services for both Families and Providers.

Services For Families

Visit the link below for ways that MountainHeart Child Care Resource & Referral can assist you and your family with your child care needs.

More Information

Services for Providers

Visit the link below for ways that MountainHeart Child Care Resource & Referral can assist you with your child care business.

More Information
