ONe Final Round

The Division of Early Care and Education Announces One Final Round of American Rescue Plan Stabilization Payments

While the September 2023 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) stabilization payment was originally meant to be the final disbursement of funds, the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for Family Assistance, Division of Early Care and Education has enough leftover funding to award one extra payment to child care providers. Due to the amount of the leftover funding, this extra payment will be slightly less than the standard monthly payment amount. You do not have to do anything additional to receive this payment. The extra payments will be distributed to all providers on the September 2023 ARPA stabilization payment list. The Division is happy to have helped deliver these ARP Stabilization funds to you while they were available. We hope they have been helpful to you.

Payment amounts are as follows:

Payments Chart for American Rescue Plan Stabilization Payments
Click Image for a Larger View

American Rescue Plan Image

The American Rescue Plan is delivering direct relief to the American people, rescuing the American economy, and starting to beat the virus. For a full overview of what’s in the plan, click here.

